Uncopyable Women in Business
Calling all women in business: It's your turn to WIN. Don't be like everyone else - that's boring! Separate yourself from the pack by creating an advantage that's not only unique, it's UNCOPYABLE. Whether your definition of success is making more money or changing the world, you're guaranteed a healthy dose of inspiration, plus specific strategies and action steps you can use to achieve your biggest goals. Join me as I interview amazing women who have risen to the top - including sales superstars, wildly successful business owners, and CEOs. Many have overcome daunting obstacles - and they're here to tell you that you can do it too. Join me as my guests and I share our own secrets to success, in 30-minute conversations that are casual, fun, funny...and short.
About me: I'm a speaker, consultant, trainer, and the co-author (with my husband Steve Miller) of the new book, "Uncopyable You - Create a personal brand that gets people to Know You, Like You, Trust You and Remember You." I'm also the author of "Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition." During my outside sales career I was named Walker Exhaust's National Salesperson of the Year, earning the nickname "Muffler Mama." In the last 37 years, Steve and I have built a 7 figure family business, and developed the powerful "Uncopyable" framework.
(Podcast formerly Uncopyable Women in Sales)
Follow me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/millerkay
Contact me: kay@uncopyablesales.com
Order Uncopyable You: https://amzn.to/3A3gPom
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: https://amzn.to/3Do7KWU
Uncopyable Women in Business
Episode 113 | How to Succeed in Finance and Entrepreneurship - Diana Perkins
In this episode of Uncopyable Women in Business, I had the pleasure of chatting with Diana Perkins, CPA and founder of "Trading with Diana". Diana shares her inspiring journey in finance, from her early fascination with the field to her 20-year corporate career and eventual leap into entrepreneurship.
She discusses the challenges women face in finance and offers practical advice on investing and trading. Diana's mission is to demystify financial markets and empower women to take control of their financial futures. The episode is filled with insights, encouragement, and personal anecdotes, making it a must-listen for aspiring investors.
About Diana:
Diana, has been passionate about finance from a young age, negotiating loans and exploring trading concepts as early as her teens. After a decade in accounting and technology, she transitioned to a full-time options trader role, working alongside over 1,000 options and Forex traders.
With 20+ years of experience in accounting, consulting, and trading, Diana founded Trading with Diana to simplify financial markets and empower others to trade with confidence and achieve financial success.
Diana's Free Investment Guide:
Reach Diana:
LinkedIn Company Page
Kay Miller interviews women in sales with proven track records, as they share their experiences, success strategies and tools you can use to crush your sales goals. Kay has a history of sales success, earning the nickname “Muffler Mama” when she sold more automotive mufflers than anyone in the world. Kay and her guests deliver actionable insights and real-world tools that will help you overcome obstacles, adopt a winning mindset, and maximize your sales results.
Kay is the author of the book, Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition. Go to Amazon.com and search “Uncopyable Sales Secrets” to order the book, or click the link below.
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: amzn.to/35dGlYZ
Intro 00:00:00
Welcome to Uncopyable Women in Business. I'm your host, Kay Miller, also known as Muffler Mama. Stay tuned as I, along with my guests, give you marketing, sales, and personal branding strategies that will give you an unstoppable advantage.
Kay Miller
Today, I am here with CPA Diana Perkins. Diana knew from a young age that finance was her calling, which kind of cracks me up. Actually, that's nothing like what I thought I would do. But when she was nine years old, she started charging her sister interest on small loans—also very amusing. This year, after 20 years in the corporate world of finance, Diana founded her own company, Trading with Diana. Her mission is to simplify the complexities of financial markets and empower others to navigate the world of trading and achieve financial success. Diana, welcome to the podcast.
Diana Perkins 00:01:07
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Kay Miller 00:01:09
So that intro was a mouthful, but as we talked about before we got on the air, finance is not something, especially for women, that we start out thinking, "This is what I want to do." Where do you think your passion for finance came from?
Diana Perkins 00:01:28
Now, that's a great question because I have no one in my life—family or friends—who was interested in finance. I just knew. I feel like all of us have a seed planted in us, something we're meant to do, something unique that we bring to the table. For me, it was finance.
As you mentioned, at eight years old, I learned what compound interest was, and at nine, I was charging my sister interest on $5 loans—it was my risk premium. At 18, I negotiated my first car loan, proving to the sales guy that given the time value of money, the second offer he gave me put me worse off than the first. And I got my deal. I've always just known.
I was raised to believe that whatever our interests are—myself and my two older sisters—you pursue that. There are no boundaries. One sister is an artist, the other owns a tiki bar, and I was always the finance sister. It’s just inherent to who I am, but I appreciate that most people do not feel that way.
Kay Miller 00:02:32
A couple of things about that. First of all, I want to know—how do you get along with the sister you charged interest to?
Diana Perkins 00:02:39
Oh, a little too well. We get along great now! We're closest in age, so like most siblings, we definitely had our quarrels growing up. I will say she was always the academic, and I was always the businesswoman. We used to play school, and I’d charge her for my time because I went to school all day!
Behind me is actually one of her paintings, which was a little inspirational for me as well.
Kay Miller 00:03:10
Which is beautiful, by the way. If you’re not watching this on YouTube, you can’t see it, but it’s abstract and lovely. Is there a special meaning behind it, besides the fact your sister made it?
Diana Perkins 00:03:24
That’s a big part of it. She painted it as a gift for my 40th birthday three years ago. She told me she created it during a big transition in her life and called it Redefine. My family calls me "Di," and she said, “Di, I feel like every 2–3 years, you redefine who you are, whether it’s your career or where you live.”
It’s very meaningful to me, especially because this year, I took probably the biggest leap of my life—one of the few times I embraced an uncorrelated risk as a CPA.
Diana Perkins 00:04:16
And that, and I just, I attribute it to a lot of the meaning behind this painting behind me.
Kay Miller 00:04:21
Yeah. You don't really think of CPAs as risk-takers, but of course, you're now and haven't been just a CPA. You've always been involved in the markets and in finance. And again, I think that's unusual for women. And I don't know why exactly. I'm also envious that you have had and still do a natural passion because not many of us do. And you've also talked about pivoting. You said just recently you've had several pivots, not only starting your business, but some life changes too, right?
Diana Perkins 00:04:55
Yes, absolutely. So, 2024 was a big year for me. This time last year, I thought I had it all—the dream apartment, the dream boyfriend who was going to move out here to Boston where I live, and he was going to propose over the holidays—a dream come true. From my past dream career, a leadership role at one of the world's top management consulting firms. And then earlier this year, within about a week and a half, I found myself on a medical leave from work. I came back and put in my two weeks at my job.
I had an offer from one of our clients that I ended up rescinding. I was also talking to one of our competitors and decided against that. Then I broke up with the person I was with. Other relationships fell by the wayside. And then in three months, I launched my business. That’s actually one of the learnings I had this year: you just move forward, you persevere. You just go. I feel you work with the hand you're dealt. And I feel like most of us were dealt pretty good hands. You leverage that, exploit that, lean into the bad, and it's not always easy, but you do it anyway.
Kay Miller 00:06:14
We talked about a common theme. I interview really successful women, and so many of them say, "You know what? I have to work through fear. I have imposter syndrome. I'm afraid, but I do it anyway." Nike really nailed it when they said, Just do it, because you can't wait until you're not afraid.
You have to do it anyway. Yes, you have quite the pedigree in your background of working for some very impressive companies and working in financial markets. I want to talk a little bit about not only what you help your clients do—I know you do coaching, and you also have a subscription newsletter—but also, what can women listening do to succeed in this world of finance, the stock market, and all that good stuff? Bitcoin, I don’t know.
Diana Perkins 00:07:18
Absolutely. As I mentioned, I appreciate that most people do not have an inherent passion for finance. So, I've made it my mission to empower those who feel the markets are too intimidating or have limiting beliefs, like imposter syndrome: I’m not a numbers person. I don’t have enough money to get started. There’s this facade around the stock market that it’s inaccessible, and it’s just not true.
I’ve worked in finance for 20 years as a professional options trader and with hundreds of traders. That inspired me to work with those who aren’t in the markets today. Most of them probably aren’t finance people. They hear the word “stock” and run the other direction. That’s who I want to work with. The fact is, the barrier to entry is lower than ever. Most brokerage accounts require zero account minimums. Start with $50. Start where you are with what you have.
Studies backed by Robinhood and Fidelity show women are actually better investors than men by 40 basis points. That’s less than 1%, but still! The idea that you need to be a “Wall Street type” is wrong. Honestly, 70-80% of trading or investing in the markets is mindset—greed and fear. It’s organized chaos. If you can stay disciplined and invest according to a plan, you’ll be ahead of most men or women.
Through my coaching and weekly stock subscription service, I work one-on-one or in small groups. I demystify terminology so you can get on MarketWatch, read articles, and know what bull and bear markets mean. Understand what a stock chart is telling you. Recognize the emotions involved and why most traders and investors fail. I condense 20 years of experience into six classes where I teach you everything I know.
Kay Miller 00:09:42
I love it. One thing I noticed on your website, which I think is so meaningful, is that, like you said, you can start small. You don’t have to have a lot. For example, I have an Acorns account. I only put in $10 a month. It’s not my only investment, but it’s fun to watch that grow. It’s a small commitment. That’s such a big point—you don’t need a ton of money to start.
You’ve given some resources for working with you, but are there other ways women can educate themselves and approach the market?
Diana Perkins 00:10:24
Absolutely. Start small. Go on CNBC or MarketWatch to become familiar with the terminology. When I was starting out, I knew this was what I wanted to do, but those blinking lights on the trading platform scared me. Investopedia is your best friend. Read a couple of articles and start to get a pulse on the market. If you don’t understand a term, look it up.
A great book is Market Wizards. The author interviews top traders and investors to uncover what makes them successful. Another tip: never risk more than you can afford to lose. Start small. Most platforms, like Schwab, Fidelity, Cash App, or Robinhood, let you open an account easily. Start with a few hundred dollars or practice with “paper money” where no real money is involved.
Lastly, have a plan. Know how much you’re willing to risk and diversify your investments. Don’t put it all on one stock.
Kay Miller 00:12:13
That’s great advice. I’ll put all the links—books and resources you mentioned—in the show notes. I also appreciate the reminder to not risk more than you can afford to lose. The market isn’t guaranteed. But when you look at where it’s come since the Great Depression, it’s clear that sticking to your plan and avoiding emotional decisions pays off. Fantastic advice!
Kay Miller 00:13:11
Kay Miller 00:13:12
And I don't think it's talked about enough. I think I mentioned this before, but I've always referred to the stock markets as organized chaos. It moves on greed and fear, and it feels volatile, almost irrational at times. But to your point, since the S&P started in the 1920s, over the last hundred years, on average the market's returning about 9.5%. So that's where the money is. Money's power. That's why I work with men and women. But I want to get more women into the markets because like I said it is accessible will want to manage that greed and fear. But if you can stay disciplined and just in trade responsibly. I'm a CPA, so I'm not. I'm going to tell risk management. Every trade you go into know how much you're willing to risk. Don't put it all in one stock. There's natural ways to diversify. Just focus on that capital preservation and then ride the rest stop.
Kay Miller 00:14:10
So I mentioned bitcoin. What do you think about bitcoin?
Diana Perkins 00:14:14
Yeah. So I would say bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.
Diana Perkins 00:14:18
They are on a tear post-election to me they may they might be a bit overweighted. That's my personal opinion. But it's exciting right. We saw gosh a 2017. We call it going parabolic. It's just going to the moon that coin. Right. And that that opened a lot of folks' eyes. And today there are so many more cryptocurrencies and there are a lot of people getting. And that's the demand that you're seeing, right. Pushing the prices up. The one thing I would warn with, with digital currencies is they're a bit more volatile and a little more expensive to get in, in and out. All right. So because of that there's this additional layer of risk. Right. They're still deciding how do we regulate this. If it don't be regulation how do we regulate this. But on the flip side there are new ways that digital currencies are being used. And that's going to put upward pressure. So I would say there's more volatility maybe a little more expensive to get in and out and less regulation.
Diana Perkins 00:15:17
So there's these extra layers of consideration I would say 3% I see nothing wrong with dabbling it honestly. Investing, trading. It's so personal how much you invest and what you invest in. So you have to stay true to who you are and just do the research, do your due diligence, understand what you're investing in, and then just make sure that you're investing a few other things as well, because those will rotate. This will rotate, and you just want to make sure that your winners are paying for your losers.
Kay Miller 00:15:47
Definitely diversified portfolios. And so that really is so important because I'm sure you work with people. Some things are meant to go up when the market goes down vice versa. So that's where you come in and help balance the portfolio, right?
Diana Perkins 00:16:05
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. Yes. Understanding those correlation and making sure that you have a balanced portfolio, like I said, I focus on stocks, but your portfolio has bonds or really the the hottest area right now out actually outside of Bitcoin is is is alternative investments.
Diana Perkins 00:16:27
So PE firms getting into real estate. There are different companies where it used to just be the ultra wealthy that could get a piece of the action, so to speak.
Kay Miller 00:16:37
An alternative podcast that's sponsored by my latest book which I co-authored with my husband, Steve. So that's part of the unstoppable series. And this one's called Unstoppable You: Create a Personal Brand that Gets People to Know You, Like You, Trust You. I didn't know there was a piece of physical education Amazon, Barnes and Noble or your favorite independent bookstore.
Diana Perkins 00:17:04
Oh, you'd say private equity.
Kay Miller 00:17:09
Okay, yeah. Very simple. That's one thing I do find. We get so used to the terminology in our own world. We got to remember that not everybody knows this. But that's why you're here explaining some of this. And again, I love the resources that you've given. And also of course, I'm going to put those links in where you have the opportunity to subscribe to Diana's newsletter or possibly work with her.
Kay Miller 00:17:33
That might be something that you want to consider because you know what? You got to do it right. Let's talk a little bit about this transition into starting your own business. As I mentioned, I did some research beforehand and women-owned businesses, now women-owned businesses are almost 50% of businesses. And I'm not sure how accurate all the information I have is because I did use AI and we all know we have to check that. But there are a lot of women starting businesses, especially later in their careers. A new chapter, because we're living to be a lot older. I just talked to you about the woman I interviewed yesterday, Danielle Kennedy. You've got to hear that interview. And she's about to turn 80 and her acting career is taking off and she's going to be appearing. Her latest role is in the TV show the Series: A Man on the Inside starring Ted Danson. So I just had to throw that out. So given that we are living a lot longer and might want a new chapter.
Kay Miller 00:18:41
Let's hear about what's it like to start your own business. I'm sure it's just a breeze. Just in case you might have a tip or two.
Diana Perkins 00:18:49
Well, it takes one to know one. I will say this entrepreneurial journey has been very eye-opening. And as you mentioned, I've been in the corporate world, for 20 years, worked with some of the largest companies and made a lot of pivots in my career. And everything led to this. But I don't think there's anything that could have prepared me for entrepreneurship. It’s very you feel very exposed, very vulnerable, right? Especially when you're very passionate about what you're doing. And I think your will wanting your will to do this has to be greater than any fear. Or, as you mentioned before, to foster syndrome, like you again, like you just you build that momentum and you just move forward.
Let me know if you'd like me to continue or make further changes!
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Diana Perkins 00:19:43
So there's definitely some learning and understanding in identifying the clients you want to reach. Write for the folks you really want to help, and meet them where they are. Like you said, speaking in terms they understand. That’s critical. And I like those reminders; we all need them, right?
Starting your own business feels like stepping into a completely new experience. I had mentioned to you before we started taping that I had this idea about five years ago. I was so excited. I’d go to a coffee shop every morning, write blog posts, and create a website. But then, I got cold feet and didn’t launch. Instead, I went into management consulting.
Kay Miller 00:20:19
But that little nagging voice wouldn’t leave you alone, right?
Diana Perkins 00:20:24
Exactly! That nagging voice kept saying, "This is something you’re supposed to do." But those limiting beliefs—“I don’t have enough money,” “It’s not the right time,” or any number of excuses—were so loud. Eventually, though, my will to do it became greater than the fear holding me back.
Looking back, all those steps in my career prepared me for this moment. When I finally took the leap, it was terrifying but empowering. You’re always learning, always finding new ways to reinvent yourself, rebrand, and reach the people you want to serve. Honestly, it’s exciting.
To any women out there thinking about starting your own business: write down what lights you up inside. What are you good at? Where do you shine? If you feel imposter syndrome creeping in, list all the times you’ve overcome challenges or received great feedback from clients, colleagues, or friends. What do people come to you for advice about? Focus on that.
And just do it. You can always go back to a corporate career if it doesn’t work out. The foundation you’ve built in your career won’t crumble just because you take this leap.
Kay Miller 00:21:41
You touched on something so important: finding your ideal audience. We call it “your muse” in the Unstoppable Framework. Are your primary clients women? Or do you work with men as well?
Diana Perkins 00:22:07
I do have a strong passion for getting more women into the markets. Women tend to face more limiting beliefs about money—beliefs that are often reinforced by societal narratives. I want to help dismantle those and create a safe space where women can ask questions, explore investing, and build their confidence.
But interestingly, since launching my business, most of my clients have been men! That wasn’t what I expected, but it shows how universal the need for financial literacy and support is.
Kay Miller 00:22:53
That’s fascinating! It’s a testament to the value you bring. So whether it’s men or women, you’re making an impact.
Kay Miller 00:23:01
Yes. So the stock picks, it's active traders. I know that's going to be mostly men. I love working with men. I love working with women. And I really want to build that confidence in women. So there are more of us in that conversation, whether it's your financial advisor asking those questions, whether it's at work and all the men are talking about what's going on in the broad market, you can jump right in there. The broad market in this sector is hot. So I want more women in that conversation. So I would say my most it's twofold. Active traders, mostly men right now love working with men. I want to get more women into that bucket brew coaching. Ask me your questions. There's no reason there should be this facade around the market because you can absolutely do it.
Diana Perkins 00:23:46
One thing I find interesting is that I have quite a few guys that listen to this podcast too.
Kay Miller 00:23:52
Of course we have nothing against men, it's just that we have picked that sector of people. Those are our moves, and I think a lot of it is. And you're getting to this too. It's not just the knowledge, it's a 100% encouragement. You have to tell people you can do this and you really can't. But again, we have that self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs. That's been a common phrase that I've heard through the podcast. So I think that's really good that you're working with men, but I have a feeling you'll be adding a lot of women to and serving them and helping them out.
Diana Perkins 00:24:32
Absolutely. And I'll say my first. My first client was a male client through my coaching program. And the feedback after our first class, he told me, thank you. I feel like I can ask any question and you don't make me feel dumb. And I said, no, I did that and want to hear those questions. I want to know what's on your mind, because I know I, I had the same questions when I was learning.
Diana Perkins 00:24:55
I had so many questions. And it's just very natural. It's a growth. But when you get there, it feels really good and it's empowering. So yeah, absolutely. I work with both.
Kay Miller 00:25:06
Yeah. And you said there's no such thing as a dumb question. And one of the things I think of when you say that is that if you're wondering that so are a lot of other people, right? We all think, oh my gosh, I'm the only one that would wonder this or be afraid of this. So I think that's a good perspective, right? You're not the only one that's wondering this. What do you have anything to say about that? And other than you totally agree. I'm super smart.
Diana Perkins 00:25:38
Literally agree. And honestly, if someone asks me a question during a laugh, in my mind I'm just thinking why didn't I? Why didn't I preemptively think of that myself to address and not thinking? It's a dumb question. I'm thinking, all right, we're going to double down on this to make sure and finance you ask questions until it's black and white.
Kay Miller 00:25:56
So as we close out this podcast, what would be your your closing thoughts? What would you tell the listener that will help them right away?
Diana Perkins 00:26:06
Yeah. Thank you so much for for the question. First of all, I just want to go back to the statistic you mentioned. 50% of businesses in the past year were started by women. So my closing thoughts are and maybe I'm being redundant here, but find your passion. Go for it. Right. As far as we know we have one turn around the we'll go. Actually I'll don't pull back And if finance is trading the markets is something that you're interested in. Don't ever believe you can't. Whether it's that or something else right, that you're confronted with in your life. I say the greatest antidote to fear is action. So just take that first step. Move forward. You won't regret it. You might regret not doing it sooner, but you won't regret taking that step forward. So I say like you said, Nike. Just do it.
Diana Perkins 00:26:57
Just go for it.
Kay Miller 00:26:59
That's right. That's a great place to end. And like you said, action is the key. Kudos to you for taking the dive and starting your own business and your goal to help others understand and how they can participate and benefit in financial markets. So, Diana, I just want to say thank you so much for being on the show and sharing all of that great information and encouragement. And last but not least, all the links will be in the show Notes.
Diana Perkins 00:27:32
Thank you so much for having me.
Kay Miller 00:27:36
Okay, I am back with CPA Diana Perkins, who was in the financial world, the corporate world, for 20 years and just started her own business called trading with Diana. And I loved our interview. You had some really great advice that I think any listener will benefit from, including you can do it. A lot of this is encouragement and yes, get over your fear and dive in. Right? So now we're going to have a little bit of fun. Not that we didn't have fun before, but I have five questions for you.
Kay Miller 00:28:13
And they're the same five questions that I ask every guest. And it's always interesting because the answers are normally all different. So the first question that I think I know the answer to is, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Diana Perkins 00:28:28
Yeah. So I think this is a great question. And it actually might be different than you think, like a lot of kids when they're young. So I'm going back to kindergarten that learn about dinosaurs. I was obsessed with dinosaurs. I wanted to marry T-Rex, which I know is a little silly, but I wanted to be what I called a fossil binder. I wanted to be a paleontologist, and a lot of it is just. I've never been a history buff, but just this fascination with ancient, ancient history. And so I used to. My babysitter had a stone driveway. I used to hunt for fossils in her driveway when I was young. And then. And then I also the other idea when I was younger, I didn't know if this was a profession or not, but I wanted to be a treasure hunter.
Diana Perkins 00:29:13
So someone like, when you're younger, you learn about like, pirate ships. And so I wanted to go out onto the ocean and dig up, buried, dig up, buried treasure. And so I used to hide things around my room, like sometimes coins, which makes sense. Money. but around my rooms I would find it at a later time. So anyway. So yeah, so paleontology and treasure Hunter was when I got.
Kay Miller 00:29:36
That does surprise me because of course I thought you would definitely say you wanted to be involved with money, but both of us sound fascinating. But you can't do it, all right? Dinosaurs are very, appealing and interesting. The second question I have for you is, what is something that you want to do, but you haven't done yet?
Diana Perkins 00:29:56
So I travel quite a bit. I look in Europe for a little while, but one place I haven't traveled to and one thing I haven't done that I would love to do. The experience I want is I've always wanted to go on a paleontology dig in Egypt, and I'm not a morning person, but what I envision would be voluntary.
Diana Perkins 00:30:13
Did you wake up at four 430 in the morning? You're sleeping in a tent and you're trying to beat the heat and dig for fossils. I just think that would be fascinating. It's so different than what I do now, obviously very different than the business and in corporate world or trading the stock markets. But I just want to be immersed in that experience. I just love it. I have a short bucket list because as I add things, I just knock them off. So I am but but that's one that's on there. I just think it would just be fascinating.
Kay Miller 00:30:44
It would be. Are you an Indiana Jones fan?
Diana Perkins 00:30:47
I am actually.
Kay Miller 00:30:49
So yeah, that would be fun. And I bet you can make it happen. And when you talk about camping, I'm really into this glamping thing. So you could do that and make it plush and fun too. So what is something that you like about yourself?
Diana Perkins 00:31:05
Yeah, I would say, I would say the way my my mind works, which is a little bit hard to explain, but I think in the interview I had mentioned, I feel like each of us have something very unique that we bring to the world.
Diana Perkins 00:31:17
And I feel that through, through my childhood into adulthood, I've always done things a little bit different, always kind of seen the world a little bit differently. And and just the way my mind processes. Yes, with numbers. But just that business finance, it's more than just a passion. And I think just the way I process information and, and I think part of that too is like relationships with others. So the way I see the world, I feel like we're all in this together. We're going to help each other. And I think that's been really monumental in the personal relationship that I had or my relationship with clients. Right. Like, I want to know what makes other people tick or what's your reservation or what's going to motivate you. And, and that's also something very, very inherent. So I want to change that for the world.
Kay Miller 00:32:09
That that's wonderful. And I did mention we just wrote my husband and I a book called unstoppable You Personal branding. And we do. We all have superpowers.
Kay Miller 00:32:19
We all have strengths. And when you're genuine and unique and authentic, the buzzword authentic. You can't be copied because you have a story that's unique. So I really like your take on that. And I think it's definitely part of your brand and your brand. Part of it is that you're exceptionally interested in finance, which again, is unique for women. My next question, is there anything about Diana that you would like to change?
Diana Perkins 00:32:49
So I'd say at its core, I don't want to say who I am. That said, I feel that there are so many areas like like my desire to learn is insatiable, and there are so many areas where I know where I felt it this year, especially right where I can grow and learn. It's always happening. And through that, one of the things that I'm learning is when I reach a goal or accomplishment, it's it is almost like no matter how hard I work or how big or small it is at checking a box, I'm already on to the next thing for anyone who's taking or taking the disc profile, right? I'm a high D, very driven girl.
Diana Perkins 00:33:31
And with that, I don't take the time like I don't give myself much grace. I don't tend to celebrate those small wins. My I'm always competing against myself like others. I want to uplift, be like, that's you can be with me. I'm always trying to win out myself, and I think that's one area I can learn to pull back on that and just enjoy where I am and be more present that way with others, I am. It's me. It's just the the mind's going, this what's next? So I think that's something I would like to work on changing. And sure, there are many other tweaks and things here as we learn and evolve that have different life experiences. But the course stopped by. I want to keep the same.
Kay Miller 00:34:15
Celebrate your accomplishments and your wins. And I'm also especially interested in your comment that we are so much harder on ourselves than other people. You know what? I have these little 11 lines on my forehead which I can't stand every time I look in the mirror.
Kay Miller 00:34:33
That's all I see. But you know what? There are a lot of women I know that have those, and I never even notice them. And yes, give ourselves grace. And we want to support other people, but we also need to love ourselves, right. And be happy with who we are. So last but not least, I think you're going to have fun with this one is what is your favorite vacation spot?
Diana Perkins 00:34:58
Yeah, okay. It's my favorite vacation spot, without a doubt. Hands down. This might come as a surprise to anyone who's known about my travels, but it's the Jersey shore. So growing up. So I grew up in Ohio, and every summer we get in the car and we drive to the Jersey shore. It's huge. Is my mom's side of the family. Huge Italian family. Tarantino's. Bravo's, Danny D'Amico, CISOs, all of them. And our cousins were there. And since I was eight years old, we bet on the ponies at Monmouth Racetrack, and we'd go to the beach club and eat copious amounts of Italian food, and it was some of the best memories of my childhood.
Diana Perkins 00:35:34
And so, hands down, Jersey shore is my favorite vacation spot. But it's it's also because it was more about the experiences and the people that I spent it with. And to this day, it's one of my favorite places in the world. There you go.
Kay Miller 00:35:49
That’s awesome. And yes, as you know, I was born and raised on the Jersey shore too.
Kay Miller 00:35:54
Yes, I do know that.
Kay Miller 00:35:56
Good stuff! And I think it's great. And I could go for some good Italian food right about now.
Diana Perkins 00:36:00
Always, right?
Kay Miller 00:36:02
All right. Well, thank you so much, Diana, for being on the show today.
Diana Perkins 00:36:06
Thank you so much for having me.