Uncopyable Women in Business
Calling all women in business: It's your turn to WIN. Don't be like everyone else - that's boring! Separate yourself from the pack by creating an advantage that's not only unique, it's UNCOPYABLE. Whether your definition of success is making more money or changing the world, you're guaranteed a healthy dose of inspiration, plus specific strategies and action steps you can use to achieve your biggest goals. Join me as I interview amazing women who have risen to the top - including sales superstars, wildly successful business owners, and CEOs. Many have overcome daunting obstacles - and they're here to tell you that you can do it too. Join me as my guests and I share our own secrets to success, in 30-minute conversations that are casual, fun, funny...and short.
About me: I'm a speaker, consultant, trainer, and the co-author (with my husband Steve Miller) of the new book, "Uncopyable You - Create a personal brand that gets people to Know You, Like You, Trust You and Remember You." I'm also the author of "Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition." During my outside sales career I was named Walker Exhaust's National Salesperson of the Year, earning the nickname "Muffler Mama." In the last 37 years, Steve and I have built a 7 figure family business, and developed the powerful "Uncopyable" framework.
(Podcast formerly Uncopyable Women in Sales)
Follow me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/millerkay
Contact me: kay@uncopyablesales.com
Order Uncopyable You: https://amzn.to/3A3gPom
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: https://amzn.to/3Do7KWU
Uncopyable Women in Business
Episode 117 | Starting and Growing Virtual Ad Agency - and Empowering Women - Tracy Marlowe
Join me as I chat with Tracy Marlowe, founder of Creative Noggin, about starting her ad agency during the 2008 recession. Tracy shares insights on overcoming gender disparities, fostering workplace flexibility, and her authentic approach to branding and client relationships.
In This Episode:
- Journey to Success: Tracy's path to founding her agency in tough times.
- Supporting Women: The importance of a supportive work environment.
- Authentic Branding: Tracy's philosophy on genuine and value-driven branding.
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About Tracy:
Tracy Marlowe believes in the power of women. She is the founder of Creative Noggin, a fully remote advertising agency dedicated to empowering women to thrive professionally while balancing family. With over 25 years of marketing and branding experience working with brands like Disney and ExxonMobil, she has grown the agency from $100,000 in its first year to over $7 million in revenue. Specializing in purpose-driven marketing, Creative Noggin donates 5% of its profits to support women’s empowerment, embodying Tracy’s belief that nurturing women’s potential benefits businesses, clients, and society.
Reach Tracy:
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Tracy Marlowe
Creative Noggin
Kay Miller interviews women in sales with proven track records, as they share their experiences, success strategies and tools you can use to crush your sales goals. Kay has a history of sales success, earning the nickname “Muffler Mama” when she sold more automotive mufflers than anyone in the world. Kay and her guests deliver actionable insights and real-world tools that will help you overcome obstacles, adopt a winning mindset, and maximize your sales results.
Kay is the author of the book, Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition. Go to Amazon.com and search “Uncopyable Sales Secrets” to order the book, or click the link below.
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: amzn.to/35dGlYZ
Kay Miller 00:00:00 Welcome to Uncopyable Women in Business. I'm your host, Kay Miller, also known as Muffler Mama. Stay tuned as I, along with my guests, give you marketing, sales, and personal branding strategies that will give you an advantage. In this episode, I'm chatting with Tracy Marlowe. Tracy is the founder and CEO of Creative Noggin, an advertising agency she founded in 2008. Tracy has grown the company from $100,000 in sales in the first year to over $7 million in sales. She has over 25 years of marketing and branding expertise, and she's worked with heavy hitters like Disney and even the Air Force. And last but not least, we're going to talk to Tracy about her commitment to empowering women. So, Tracy, welcome to the show.
Tracy Marlowe 00:01:16 Thanks so much. I'm glad to be here. We just chatted a little bit before we started recording, and we have something in common because we both work in male-dominated industries. That's how I got my sales start. What did you say? The percentage of advertising decisions are made by men?
Kay Miller 00:01:16 Which? What percentage?
Tracy Marlowe 00:01:17 Here's the interesting thing. Over 80% of purchase decisions—it's actually like now they're measuring around 85%—of global purchasing decisions are made or heavily influenced by women. And yet the interesting thing is 71% of advertising creative directors are men. So there's a little bit of a disconnect because a lot of women don't see themselves in the marketing that they see, and there's a reason behind that. That's part of why, as an agency, we are trying to change that.
Kay Miller 00:01:53 It's just crazy. That's all I'm going to say. So let's talk about you starting your business in 2008 because, as I shared, we have a lot of listeners. So you listening? A lot of you are business owners or entrepreneurs or thinking about starting a business. So let's start talking about your entrepreneurial journey, and then we will get into the branding that really is your specialty. So what happened in 2008?
Tracy Marlowe 00:02:23 Okay. That's 2008. It really was more 2007. But I will say, I think for most women there's some sort of a pivot point, there's some sort of a spark. There's something that happened where they took that leap. For me, I was this career gal climbing the ladder. I was ambitious. I was very focused on growing within my career. I was very passionate about the industry and the work that I was doing. And then something changed, and that was that I had a baby. In 2007, I had a baby, and that was, for me, a tremendous game changer. It completely flipped my world upside down and made me realize that my priorities were no longer the same priorities anymore. While I wanted to do great work, I also wanted to be really present in my daughter's life as a mother. That was the first time in my life I felt that tug of business versus motherhood in both places. And so I knew something had to give. That's the point at which I ended up quitting my job.
Tracy Marlowe 00:03:26 I was working in an agency where I was working late hours. Sometimes I was working until 10:00 at night and having to call my husband and say, "Can you put the baby down? I'm not going to be home tonight." That was killing me. So I ended up quitting my job and started working. I really just started working freelance and doing some contract work. That just catapulted into really growing and building a business. That was the point where I realized that, oh my gosh, this is really a beautiful thing because the business that I started, in order to empower myself as a mother and as a woman so that I could have my cake and eat it too, I could work with clients I loved and do work that I was proud of. At the same time, I was able to go in the middle of the day and breastfeed my baby at the daycare and not feel guilty about that. I was actually now able to empower other women that I hired as I grew and needed more help.
Tracy Marlowe 00:04:22 It was attracting women like myself who really just were tired of the traditional work model, and they recognized that they weren't really able to show up as their whole selves at work in a traditional environment. It just started attracting women who really were at a point where, in their career, they wanted to do work they were proud of, but they also wanted flexibility to pursue other things. Maybe not just motherhood, but I've got women that have a variety of different interests. I had one that would leave early on Tuesdays to go be a DJ at the radio station because she was a musician. That was something she was passionate about, and I was like, "Go do that." And so I think just allowing people to do things that they're passionate about and that are important to them, and recognizing that we're all human and that we don't live to work. We work so that we can actually live real, fulfilled lives. That really became the focus and motivation.
Kay Miller 00:05:16 Yeah. And it's just a fact that women end up having to balance more than most men. And the child-rearing usually falls primarily on the woman. Again, there's a disproportionate amount of men and women in business of all kinds. And you said the facts and figures you gave are just really hard to believe. But you are changing that. That is really cool. You said that your agency currently is all women. That's not necessarily always been the case, but right now you have all women, and you're offering that kind of flexibility. How rewarding for you to impact those lives. But I'd like to ask you the nitty gritty of how you leave a job and start an advertising agency. What were some of the challenges that you had to overcome? I'm sure there were many.
Tracy Marlowe 00:06:13 There are many challenges. Yeah, I would say that some businesses you have to start with a huge pile of capital where you're investing in buildings and whatnot. The nice thing for this, for me, was that I just really needed to start with a client, right? I just needed enough savings in the bank that I was able to make the leap and then start to grow the business slowly. I jumped in and started. I got the first client. Second client. Then I would say the biggest hurdle for me there, especially at the beginning—it was funny—but okay, then I made the leap. I'm going to work for myself. I'm going to be independent. And then it was like, what? A recession? 2008?
Kay Miller 00:06:58 That was the greatest time.
Tracy Marlowe 00:07:01 It was a big ride. So people were like, "Oh, we got to cut our budget." That's the first thing that typically gets cut is marketing. That's the first thing people start looking at. Then I realized that if I was going to really make this an agency, I needed a brand for my agency. So we really looked at what is it that's going to be unique about us? Not only were we an agency looking to empower women, part of that was our business model. We are and always have been a 100% remote company. This is long before Covid and back when people were like, "You're what? I don’t understand." You had to explain that to them. At the end of the day, what you're hiring is not my cool building, which a lot of agencies at that time were investing in. These really cool creative spaces. They'd have a few top-level people that would go out and win the business. Then they'd get these interns and young people out of college to do a lot of the work. Instead, I was like, "Okay, let's just flip that over. Instead of having a building, you're buying the talent, the experience." We hire—instead of junior talent—everybody at a senior level. So I'm going to invest in creative noggins instead of buildings. At a time when people were really looking at their marketing spend and retainers and whatnot and saying, "Hey, what am I really getting for this?" it ended up really being a smart decision for us to put that front and center and became part of our brand.
Tracy Marlowe 00:08:36 We told people we were remote right up front. We didn’t try to hide it from people, and a lot of people just thought that was an incredibly smart decision, and they wanted to hire us. They wanted their advertising spent on people, not on buildings.
Kay Miller 00:08:51 Right? It wasn't the Don Draper scenario.
Tracy Marlowe 00:08:54 Exactly. It was very different. Then my challenge became not, "Oh, great, it's a recession." My challenge became that we grew three years in a row—300%, 300%, 300%. It was like, oh my gosh, this is hard. How do you scale a company rapidly, right? I mean, in a healthy way.
Kay Miller 00:09:16 It's a challenge, but it's a good challenge to have. So I'm curious about the logistics. Did you have connections with these companies that you ended up calling on or recruiting or whatever you call that? How did you get your first clients?
Tracy Marlowe 00:09:33 For me, honestly, it was lucky. I want to say to some degree, I got to a point and I just said, I'm going to email somebody that I know and just actually say, and I call it the universe.
Tracy Marlowe 00:09:46 Honestly, I'm a universe manifestation type person, but I was just like, I can't do this anymore. I'm just going to randomly email this person. I happen to know that runs a business and just say, hey, I know you know me. Just so you know, I'm on my own now. If you ever need marketing help. I just want you to know I'm available. And they literally responded me to that to me that day and said, oh my gosh, I was just having a meeting. We were talking about needing a marketing agency. Can you meet? And then that was my first and that I was lucky in that regard.
Kay Miller 00:10:19 You know what they say about luck, preparedness and opportunity. So it's not pure luck, but you had to reach out to prospects and most salespeople, business owners, like I said, entrepreneurs. It's scary to reach out. And so you had those connections and you knew the business. So that was an advantage. But still. Were you ever nervous about adding new clients to your business?
Tracy Marlowe 00:10:43 Yes and no.
Tracy Marlowe 00:10:44 I was. Yeah. There were times where we got big clients and I was like, I'm only one of those. What can we do about it? And I'm like, oh my God, we got it. Yeah, really.
Kay Miller 00:10:55 Reality sets in.
Tracy Marlowe 00:10:56 And you're like, okay, we'll figure it out. But yeah, so there's always that. But it's funny because I've had people say, here you are, you're in the hunt like you're out hunting and you love the hunt. I love going out and like, winning the business. And then it's a slow crowd. We have to figure it out. But you do. You figure it out. You make it happen. If you're good enough to sell out, you figure out you're good enough to do the work. And I knew we had the talent to to make it happen. But yeah, there was that was really that was a good problem to have, like you said. And then having to hire our first team, that's always a hard thing too, when you're a person who's been doing it for a long time yourself, and then you finally get to the point where you're like, I can't do it all anymore, because that's hard.
Tracy Marlowe 00:11:41 At first. You're like, okay, I'm I do it this way, and now I have to hire somebody else and they may do it differently. And there was a really smart CPA I had who one time told me, he said, there comes a point every business owners life where they have to decide, am I going to just stay the same size and just always do it my way and control everything? Or am I going to actually grow and scale and hire other people who may do it differently than I would do, and they might even not do it, and they may come to a different result, but that result may be okay.
Kay Miller 00:12:18 I want to take a quick break to ask you a question. Does your personal brand set you apart and make you unforgettable? If you're not 100% sure you need by free email series five steps to a Profitable Personal Brand, sign up and get a daily email for five days, plus a bonus. A list of personal branding shortcuts that will give you an advantage.
Kay Miller 00:12:48 Go to Ben Copyable. The number five emails.
Tracy Marlowe 00:12:56 And so just being able to elevate, delegate and let go. Somebody said this to me, I was like, oh I love that. But you have to sometimes let go to grow.
Kay Miller 00:13:06 And those are leadership skills to delegating and then cheerleading and realizing that they might not do it your way. But as you said, your choice is either stay as you are. Stay. Stay stagnant but growing a little. But if you really want to scale. Of course you have to add people. I want to just want to talk a little bit more about your challenges, and then I want to get into your branding philosophy. But what qualities would you say you have that made this possible?
Tracy Marlowe 00:13:39 I would say probably the New things that made this possible for me. I am incredibly curious. I'm a very curious person, and I think that's part of why I'm really good in marketing. As I when I get a new client, I want to learn everything about their business.
Tracy Marlowe 00:13:58 It's not boring to me. It's incredibly interesting. And so I want I ask a lot of questions and really delve deep and get to know them. And I think that's why we do a great job with the marketing that we do is because we are all, I hire people who are all very curious. I'm also very tenacious. I don't and I don't want to say tenacious. And I think people think of tenacious sometimes as stars do. And so I want I ask a lot of questions and really delve deep and get to know them. And I think that's why we do a great job with the marketing that we do is because we are all, I hire people who are all very curious. I'm also very tenacious. I don't and I don't want to say tenacious and a I think people think of tenacious sometimes as stuff like that. Salesperson. They use car salesperson where you're like, they're got you cornered in the bathroom. We'll let you out. I don't mean like that, but I just mean that I you I don't give up easily.
Tracy Marlowe 00:14:58 I'm going to come up with a solution. I want to come up with a plan. And if something doesn't work, I'm going to maybe try another route. I would say I'm really strategic. I'd like to come up with a really good come up with strategies and not just try to go a, B, c I'm going to come up with creative solutions. And that would be the other thing. I think innately, I'm a problem solver. I like to solve problems. That is is great in marketing, and it's also just good in business because you're going to as a business owner, nothing's ever black and white. It's going to always you're going to have challenges. And and yesterday's challenge is not going to be tomorrow's challenge. It's going to always be some new challenge. And you just have to be willing to continually look at things and solve problems.
Kay Miller 00:15:40 Like your comment about curiosity. And you have read my book that I co-authored with Steve, my husband, and copyable you. But in
my sales book, one of the things one of the chapters is think like Sherlock Holmes.
Kay Miller 00:15:53 So that's exactly what you're doing. And in my experience, salespeople, one of the biggest hurdles is that they don't listen. We've all dealt with salespeople like that. And so you're not only listening, but you're really looking for solutions and what will work for them and benefit them. So that's that is just a great mindset for sales. And I've talked to a lot of women who say I'm uncomfortable with selling. And I say, are you uncomfortable with helping? Because if you look at it like that, it totally changes the conversation.
Kay Miller 00:16:50
I and and I'm looking specifically when I'm meeting with clients. I'm interviewing them to be my potential client. As much as they're interviewing me is the way I see it is like, are we a good fit? Would we collaborate? Well? Do I even want to work with you or are you nice? And also, can I help you? At the end of the day, if I don't think I can help somebody, I don't want to try to take them on as a client. Yeah. So I agree, you have to think of it as a consultant. I think instead of a salesperson, it's more consultative selling like helping people.
Tracy Marlowe 00:17:19
Exactly. And a lot of business owners, a lot of women business owners. But both men and women start a business because of their passion and they don't want to sell. But I'm not interested in selling. I don't want to have to sell. But of course, if you don't have people paying you. You're not a business. You're a hobby. So I like your train of thought.
Tracy Marlowe 00:17:41
And of course, I share that too, because we've all been sold to and had somebody try to close us. And people don't like doing business like that. And your willingness to walk away from the wrong client is also huge. Because again, if you say no to a client and maybe they will become a better fit down the line, but you cannot build credibility and trust any other. As well as just saying, no, we're not the right fit. So that is huge.
Kay Miller 00:18:15
Yeah, I agree and not even being afraid, I will say to tag on to that because this is important too. And you probably have experienced this too. Actually, I fired a client before because it became I had more than one client, but I had a client that I actually fired and I just said, this has become toxic for my people. I don't like them having to work in this environment. And they actually called me in and said, you know what? You're right. And you're. What you're feeling is something that we're feeling because it's coming down from above for us.
Kay Miller 00:18:44
We're changing things up, and we want you to give us another chance, and we're going to completely change our process internally. And so they did. And it completely changed our relationship with them. And so not being afraid to say no, because some of us will take stuff and then it ends up being like a terrible client and not a good fit. And some of you have to let those things go, because they're going to impact your ability to be able to work with clients you love because they're eating up your resources.
Tracy Marlowe 00:19:14
And we actually in our business, we've had our business for many years, and we have a set of rules right on our website. So exactly what you're talking about. Rule of family, rule of fun, everything we expect our clients to honor. We also honor too. And so having rules and standards, it's great. And one thing that we've run into, which we have also fired clients. And one of the big things we're just a two person operation is legalize. We have a one page contract.
Tracy Marlowe 00:19:50
And we get they send it off to the lawyers and all that has to be approved. And they add a whole bunch of stuff and we just say no. We just say no, we don't want to work like that. And we just can walk away. As you said, any client you're working with, anybody like that you're putting energy into, of course, takes away your energy for what you really do want to do. So I, we are very much in agreement there. And as I said, I would like to talk now about branding because we are very much on the same page as far as branding, your website is awesome. So creative. Noggin, I'm going to put links in the show notes. You should really go check out that website because your graphics and your philosophy so creative. Let's talk a little bit about branding and I don't know. One of the things I want to ask, do you do personal branding or is it just company branding. And you just talk about your philosophy about that?
Kay Miller 00:20:49
We I would say we don't do personal branding as a standalone service.
Kay Miller 00:20:56
What we do have is a lot of clients for whom we've helped them understand that a lot of times people they want to connect with companies or let people come to us and they're like, we want to promote our company all we want to elevate the brand. We want more awareness. And sometimes we recognize that some companies have people within them where that person is the one who drove the company brand to begin with, and that person's a thought leader, and that person is you should be a spokesperson within that company. And so sometimes we will work with them to help that person have their own brand within the company as a company leader and a company spokesperson, and said sometimes we will help them have their own autonomous brand as that leader and help them work on voice and work on. Sometimes we will actually manage their editorial content. We give them speaking points, so we do, to some point, help people manage their digital online brand in terms of content and basically brand, platform and strategy and even management, scheduling and things like that.
Kay Miller 00:22:04
But we don't do it really as a standalone service. There are companies that solely do only personal branding, and I think there's good companies that do a great job with that.
Tracy Marlowe 00:22:16
And I do think you need both because when you're representing a company, you that's the brand. But then you also have your own personal brand. And one of my big experiences was winning the number one sales award for an automotive muffler company many years ago, as one of just a couple women, I worked for Walker Exhaust, which is still around, and they had a brand. But to win number one salesperson, I was competing with my fellow employees, the fellow salespeople. So yes, I think it is important to have both, but you're mainly managing managing company brands. So tell me a little bit about that. I know that you have a philosophy, and I think that you gave me a good quote at the beginning. So what is your philosophy on branding and how do you help a company communicate that?
Kay Miller 00:23:06
Sure. We have a a branding methodology that we leverage when we do either a new brand or we do a rebrand for a company.
Kay Miller 00:23:17
It's called real branding. A lot of times when companies think about branding, they're thinking about what's on the outside, right? They're thinking about the colors, the logo, the graphics. But we believe really strongly that a brand we should brand from the inside out. The brand should be a real, authentic representation of what's inside a company. And so we do a lot of digging. I have you'll go to our website and it says brands are like people. Each one has a heart and a and that's what we're really working to do is to really unearth that. Because if you do that, if you do that work beforehand, instead of crafting a brand around, oh, this is what we think the customer wants. So we're going to create the brand to try to attract the customer. If instead you craft it from the inside out based on what's really true and authentic, and the customer journey is far more satisfying, and you're going to have much more loyal return customers that are going to spread word of mouth if they have a really authentic experience from the very first ad they see all the way through to delivery of service.
Kay Miller 00:24:26
Otherwise. Oftentimes there's a disconnect. If you're creating a brand based on what you think your customer wants. So that's really what we believe is just branding from the inside out, which I love because it's very aligned with your philosophy about the unstoppable you. And that's we believe that all companies are distinctive. And everybody wants to say, well, okay, what's unique about you? And everybody says we have great customer service. Okay, I'm sorry, but that is not your that's just the price of entry. If you or we have or we've had clients, healthcare clients. And so they're like we care. And I'm like, okay, I'm sorry, but if you're if you don't care, you shouldn't be in health care.
Tracy Marlowe 00:25:07
We care. What's the opposite? We don't care.
Kay Miller 00:25:09
But we really care. We care more. And I'm like, no, I'm sorry, but your brand is not that you care. it has to be something different and distinctive. And so it's really helping them dig down and figure out exactly what it is that's unique about them and that nobody else can claim.
Kay Miller 00:25:28
So that's really, truly and like you said, the unpopular you. I love that because it is. Everybody is distinctive, everybody is unique and so are companies. And so it's really figuring that out and then using the brand to bring them to life.
Tracy Marlowe 00:25:43
And connecting with your prospect. Your customer is huge. And like you said, it can't be some pat saying we care again. Everybody cares. Do you help them? Do you have a process to help your customers? The companies you work with define that. I'm assuming you do.
Tracy Marlowe 00:26:02
We do. Yeah, we do really thorough discovery process. And then we work with them to put together the brand platform and the positioning and what's unique and distinctive about them. We've come up with what's called their why. Why do they exist and what why them? Like why should somebody choose you over all the other myriad of organizations? And then what are their differentiators? What differentiates them, and then putting together a brand that really, truly, authentically captures who they are.
Tracy Marlowe 00:26:30
And that includes not just the visuals, but it's also messaging your voice, your personality, all of that.
Kay Miller 00:26:38
That makes a lot of sense. And we just have a couple of minutes. And I would like you to end on talking about empowering women. Talk about what your mission is and how you approach that. Like you said, just tell us about how you feel about empowering women.
Tracy Marlowe 00:26:56
Yeah, I will say one of the things that we believe in with empowering women, and the thing that's so fabulous about that is women are connectors. We are. When you empower one woman, you're empowering so many more people than that because women touch so many people around them. And so oftentimes you're empowering a spouse, you're empowering children, you're empowering an entire family. You know, you're empowering a whole network and her community. Because if you empower a woman, then she's able to give back to her community. And so there's so many people that women touch. And I think through empowering one woman, we're empowering so much more than that.
Tracy Marlowe 00:27:33
You're empowering the world. And I do think that we're also. The wonderful thing is the reality is, like you said at the very beginning, women are used to doing it all women. Statistics show data shows women outperform. We are used to doing everything women. GSD my.
Kay Miller 00:27:52
I don't know.
Tracy Marlowe 00:27:52
What she has done. Let's just say the s. Let's just get stuff done o get stuff done.
Kay Miller 00:27:57
I see.
Tracy Marlowe 00:27:58
And so that's at the end of the day we are really women are more productive in the workforce. And so it's been a boon for my own clients and my own business because my team is all women. And when they come in, they are here to make things happen. And so that's an incredible thing. And we're just used to juggling it all. So we just simply know how to get things done. And then we also get women. So at the end of the day, if women are the real key decision makers in so many buying decisions, we oftentimes businesses will attribute, they'll use attribution models to attribute the sale.
Tracy Marlowe 00:28:34
Whoever credit card was the one swipe, it was a male purchase. But people were telling our clients, you've got to stop thinking that way. You have to look at who is the decision maker on the purchase, and you can't say, oh, this jewelry store, all of our demographic are men. I don't think so. We know who, at the end of the day, why? Who is the real driver?
Kay Miller 00:28:55
A lot of purchases are like that, especially like consumer goods for the home. That's the case in our household, too. A lot of times we'll do the research together, but I'm the one who makes that decision. As we close this interview, one of the things I really like is your attitude toward empowering women, and that's what this podcast is all about. Although I have lots of men who listen and I love men, I'm sure you do too, But my experience, I'm older than you have been around longer and a lot of times women are in backstabbers to each other.
Kay Miller 00:29:28
I really think that's changing and it's really refreshing to hear what you have to say. We've come to the end. Do you have any closing thoughts before we let you go?
Tracy Marlowe 00:29:37
Actually, I would like to tack on to what you just said is that I think there are some times we have a tendency sometimes, or maybe younger in my career, women could be very territorial. Like I got mine here. Well, I got to take care of my thing and we get head down and focused on that. But I think really looking forward, I want to encourage all women listening to this to reach around, look at who's around you and figure out ways we can lift each other up, because at the end of the day, we want the future to change for women. I mean, look, it's only been 50 years ago that we were able to get loans and credit cards on our own. So if we want 50 years from now or even 20 years from now, the world to have evolved for our daughters.
Tracy Marlowe 00:30:20
The only way we're going to do that is by empowering each other and by lifting each other up and helping each other. So I just want to encourage that, because I think that's really important. And figuring out ways that we can give back, and just empower the female business community.
Kay Miller 00:30:35
And I mentor a couple younger women and one of them with a huge compliment. She said, you're almost like a second mother. And I learned from her, too, because she's so young. She's got her finger on the pulse of technology. So I do. I've made it my mission, too, because I didn't experience women supporting each other in my career. So I love that as changed. And it's due also to people like you and me. So, Tracy, I'm going to put all your links in the show notes so people can follow you on LinkedIn. Go to your website. I know you are on other social media. So you listening. Check out Creative Noggin. Com. You will be amazed at some of the graphics and visuals and the philosophy that Tracey's company embraces.
Kay Miller 00:31:24
So Tracey, I really appreciate you and thank you so much for being on the show.
Tracy Marlowe 00:31:29
Thank you for having me. I enjoyed it.
Kay Miller 00:31:33
Thanks for listening to this episode of Uncopyable Women in Business. See you next time and always remember to be uncopyable.
Tracy Marlowe 00:31:48
You. Can be.