Uncopyable Women in Business
Calling all women in business: It's your turn to WIN. Don't be like everyone else - that's boring! Separate yourself from the pack by creating an advantage that's not only unique, it's UNCOPYABLE. Whether your definition of success is making more money or changing the world, you're guaranteed a healthy dose of inspiration, plus specific strategies and action steps you can use to achieve your biggest goals. Join me as I interview amazing women who have risen to the top - including sales superstars, wildly successful business owners, and CEOs. Many have overcome daunting obstacles - and they're here to tell you that you can do it too. Join me as my guests and I share our own secrets to success, in 30-minute conversations that are casual, fun, funny...and short.
About me: I'm a speaker, consultant, trainer, and the co-author (with my husband Steve Miller) of the new book, "Uncopyable You - Create a personal brand that gets people to Know You, Like You, Trust You and Remember You." I'm also the author of "Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition." During my outside sales career I was named Walker Exhaust's National Salesperson of the Year, earning the nickname "Muffler Mama." In the last 37 years, Steve and I have built a 7 figure family business, and developed the powerful "Uncopyable" framework.
(Podcast formerly Uncopyable Women in Sales)
Follow me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/millerkay
Contact me: kay@uncopyablesales.com
Order Uncopyable You: https://amzn.to/3A3gPom
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: https://amzn.to/3Do7KWU
Uncopyable Women in Business
Episode 112 | New Years Resolutions Don't Work! Here's What Does - Jasmin Bonkowski
Join this New Years Resolution REVOLUTION! Listen in as I chat with hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach Jasmin Bonkowski as we dive into the common pitfalls of New Year's resolutions and share practical strategies for success. Learn why setting realistic and measurable goals, starting small, and celebrating small wins is more effective than the typical "All or Nothing" attitude. Instead, approach your goals with curiosity, self-compassion, and a structured plan for lasting change.
Happy New Year!
About Jasmin:
Have you ever wondered what life could be like if you stopped getting in your own way? Jasmin - a Mindset Architect and Neuroscience-Backed Transformation Expert knows what it's like to juggle countless responsibilities while walking a tightrope, yearning for change yet feeling stuck. Jasmin didn’t just want to make a living; she wanted to create a fulfilling life! Now, she guides ambitious go-getters like you in overcoming deep-rooted fears and breaking through mental blocks, fostering significant professional growth and personal empowerment.
Jasmin’s approach goes beyond superficial self-help and quick fixes. As your subconscious co-pilot, she guides you through the complexities of your mind, helping you chart a successful course without burnout. This process unlocks your full potential, empowering you to step into a life where success becomes inevitable.
Get Jasmin's Cheat Sheet for Everyday Victories!
Reach Jasmin:
Website: youniqueimpact.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasminbonkowski/
Kay Miller interviews women in sales with proven track records, as they share their experiences, success strategies and tools you can use to crush your sales goals. Kay has a history of sales success, earning the nickname “Muffler Mama” when she sold more automotive mufflers than anyone in the world. Kay and her guests deliver actionable insights and real-world tools that will help you overcome obstacles, adopt a winning mindset, and maximize your sales results.
Kay is the author of the book, Uncopyable Sales Secrets – How to Create an Unfair Advantage and Outsell the Competition. Go to Amazon.com and search “Uncopyable Sales Secrets” to order the book, or click the link below.
Order Uncopyable Sales Secrets: amzn.to/35dGlYZ
Speaker 1 00:00:00 New Year's resolutions don't work. That's according to statistics and unfortunately, personal experience. But here we are on the first day of 2025. And if you're like me, you want to make a fresh new start. You want to make changes that actually stick. In this special episode of UN Copyable Women in Business, you'll learn strategies to do exactly that. Hey, I'm here with Jasmin von Koski and Jasmin is a hypnotherapist. I've worked with Jasmine personally, and I'd say I look at you, Jasmine, as a mindset coach and you have really helped me with some of my goals through the year, such as sleep and weight loss and confidence. We'll just say those are three of the things you're the Lord, and it's really helped this whole topic of New Year's resolutions. Boy, what a hot button. Right. And we've talked a little bit about them. Yeah. And we talked just now about why don't they work. Why don't you talk? Talk about what we just mulled over about strategy and how you'd run your business and those types of things. Speaker 1 00:01:12 Yeah, sure. What do you how what would you throw in? Speaker 2 00:01:16 The problem with the Russians was often that we just set them shortly before the clock strikes midnight. And we also wanted to lose a certain amount of weight, or we want to stop smoking or we want to achieve x, y that, and often the reward seems so far in the distant that the brain of, oh, we don't want to do that and takes the brain a lot of energy to come up with willpower. And that's why often resolutions don't work. And what's really funny for me, especially as a business owner, is that and for all the other business owners, is that we said so many business goals and track them meticulously. But when it comes to a personal life, we just leave it basically to change, to improve all lives and don't track them accordingly. So if we just use the concepts we use in business for our personal life, we would be far better off than setting resolutions. Speaker 1 00:02:10 I agree, yeah, we would never just say, okay, I want to do X and I want to start it today and I want to do it every day for a year. Speaker 1 00:02:19 So yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:20 Like even revenue goals, it's not just I want to make more money than not track any ads or where you're actually at. How can you pull that off? Review on your ad strategy, bring a specialist in or anything like that. But we still do it in our personal lives and we just copy the strategies we would have all the way more successful. Speaker 1 00:02:41 And things like, of course you have goals and then you break them down into monthly, quarterly, even maybe weekly is best. What did I accomplish last week? What do I want to accomplish this week? Yeah, so. Speaker 2 00:02:54 We've been very good thing if you start a new habit and really start small because you want to do it over the long term. Usually when you have a hammered you want to get rid of, or you want to stop something that's really intentional and be really, really small so you can celebrate the wins. And also if you said, let's say I want to read ten pages every night, every week, and you did it for six days straight, celebrate the six days and not hold down on the one day you missed out on. Speaker 2 00:03:24 It's just data. Basically, it's just feedback that helps you to improve and to get better. And that's how all the athletes actually do it the same way. Speaker 1 00:03:33 So being measurable, having something solid. Also, I like your point about maybe only choosing one at a time and looking for small changes instead of a big change all at once. Speaker 2 00:03:45 Yeah, the brain kind of still has this evolutionary thing that we really want to be, say, and like big changes seem like danger to the brain. And that's why this kind of all or nothing mentality really wears out. Most New Year's resolutions are broke in mid-February, like 80% in the US. So as most gym memberships stop there as well. So that's why it's really good to start small and to be really what you want to focus on. Doing something for 30 days seems way more measurable and attainable than saying, oh, this is my habit for 2025. Speaker 1 00:04:19 And you said ideally, which is obviously you don't want it just to last through 2025. You want this to become a like lifelong habit. Speaker 1 00:04:29 And like I said, I do I go to the gym, but I get on a roll. I get momentum, which I think is a key for changing, but then I'll fall off the wagon, so to speak. And it's really hard. Speaker 2 00:04:41 To do well. You also try to get in when the gym was closed, so I guess they didn't have that many ambitious members. Speaker 1 00:04:48 That was a freak thing because yeah, I did try to go to the gym yesterday and because it's the holidays, I think it's the big crew and somebody forgot their keys. So, Yeah, that was pretty funny. I thought I got credit for at least trying. Right. But for. Yeah, for this year to help me stay on track, I do, and I'm still in the process of this, and I'm not perfect by any means. This is going to help you and me as well as the listener. So I am going to make a chart and I'm going to make it super realistic as go to the gym twice a week. Speaker 1 00:05:22 Now I normally go more than two times a week. But to your point, I think when we feel like a success because we've accomplished these goals that we set, it makes us more likely to keep going. And I think a lot of people make the goal so big that they're downtrodden and defeated in the first week. Speaker 2 00:05:43 Yeah, that's the major issue. Then often it's too large because we want to achieve something so big that and we feel like the societal the pressure. Everybody has their highlight reel of 2020 for now. And and you feel the pressure of comparison that you need to step up. It's a clean slate now. And now everything has to change. But actually just another new month like everybody and the other month it's just a new number behind the year. And so we should just treat it as such. And you can start a new habit anytime you like. You started going to the gym weeks ago and you just didn't wait for January 1st. It's like the same. If we go back to the business analogy, then you wouldn't wait for January 1st to implement any new tool, any new software, any new hire. Speaker 2 00:06:33 It's the same thing for personal life. Speaker 1 00:06:35 And I remember you said something about your birthday. That's that's another time you can have reflection and make some changes. But again, all at once, I want to lose £20 this year versus saying, okay, I want to lose £4 this month or something. That's doable. Speaker 2 00:06:53 Very easy. And often if you start, it becomes way more attainable and to feel the progress. And that's what it's all about. It's not about perfection or the outcome. You get the outcome if you have the progress. I lost 20 kilos like £40 and it just didn't happen once. It was like a progress and stacking different habits over time. So it didn't happen immediately, even though I wish it would have. But it was like the progress and then also sticking to the habit. And once you really implemented them, it's way easier to stick to them. Speaker 1 00:07:26 And I know, and it's so empowering. I saw your before and after pictures, which I know you still want to share. Speaker 1 00:07:31 Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:33 Let's see about that. But but there happened gradually. Speaker 1 00:07:38 It happened gradually. And you being so familiar with how the subconscious works, you have and an advantage there. And so far the main points I see are having a strategy. Starting small. And you mentioned off the air the puppy method. Speaker 2 00:07:59 Yeah. I got a dog and I just took him for a walk. And I just thought about our conversation, how we can actually use that. And I was like, when he was a puppy, we rewarded him for every good behavior he did. It was like cheering him on, like for the smaller side of being, getting it right. And we would never shout at him for getting something wrong. Then we would just train him again, show him again. And this is basically you're doing puppy training for your habit, so be gentle to yourself, show a reward yourself, celebrate and be really focused on the progress you make and not the things you get wrong. Even though I know the staff does mean that aren't perfect, but it's just like looking at the data not as criticism, but really as feedback to to get your head well, it's really important as well. Speaker 2 00:08:49 Like this is all great stuff, but if you don't have the Y, it will bring you through any things you really need to sit down and reflect. Like why is that actually goal? Is it like to cause your husband, your spouse? Whoever your family says you should stop smoking or lose weight? Or is it really bad you want to do that? So the why behind that and often sometimes asking again another way after you've been your initial why? Because sometimes the more we did down, the closer we get to the truth. Speaker 1 00:09:20 That really resonated with me when we talked earlier. And as I look at my year and being organized, when you talked about, okay, think more about your why, I did talk about some of the things that that are happening because I'm not organized. And let me look at my notes here. What I said I waste time, I waste time looking for things. Sometimes I have to do things twice because I don't know where that thing is that I did. I feel frazzled. Speaker 1 00:09:48 Overwhelmed. I just missing out. Speaker 2 00:09:51 And you could like using that time, I'm sure. Even though this might not be your main why, but the main way is to have more time to spend it elsewhere than instead of doing the same letter email over again. And this could be like the big why behind what you actually want to use that time for that you say to something for you, more purposeful. Speaker 1 00:10:15 There you go. That's that's even better. Then I have something concrete to say. Okay, I want to spend more time skiing or playing the piano or doing something with friends. Things that I want to do, even. Speaker 2 00:10:26 Just an hour first. If you say, oh, I've got this bonus hour. If you say, because often it's we think that we need more time in the day, but often we just need more focus. So I think it's a really great goal to have for the new year. And what can we all do with that? Instead of scrolling, we could go, we've got time to go to the gym. Speaker 2 00:10:45 We've got time to take a walk to get up steps, and now we've got time to have dinner with our family, with our friends. We just need to focus more and how can we actually accomplish that. And as well, again, take an inventory of your systems and then you get there. Speaker 1 00:11:02 And I as I said, I'm still working on my systems and we just talked about it. And of course you helping me with the mindset that helps. But I do need to set up my framework, so to speak, and think of some goals that I can do each week that I can accomplish so that I do feel successful. I'm such a believer in momentum. Speaker 2 00:11:24 It truly gets you going if you have Madhi and and guess like everybody has that in their job and their profession and their business. Just compete in your personal life. How could you celebrate what could be a reward if you did x, y, that, and what could actually, like really get to go in and get you closer to the thing? Or you could even take a trip if you say my systems are all aligned now I save so much time again and then in way less hours, let's take a weekend off. Speaker 2 00:11:53 Let's go somewhere. So it really depends on what you really cherish. And then this, this likely huge driver. Speaker 1 00:12:02 Yeah. So that's a good one too. Not only your why which I'm saying okay this is how I feel. I don't feel in control. I don't feel good. But to tangibly think about okay what will I do with that time. Maybe it'll be also time spending growing my business instead of just treading water with what I'm doing. As we've talked about, we've played. What's that? Speaker 2 00:12:26 We can't wait to see more that I, as I know you, have some hidden gems there and they will come up soon. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:32 Yeah. So it's something that I'm working on. And as you said, the New Year, it's really just an arbitrary date, but it's the process and maybe it is a good reminder that we need to focus on our whys and the advantages of changing our habits, but also strategizing, having realistic goals and then tracking them. Did I pretty much cover the perfect New Year's resolutions? Speaker 2 00:13:02 Maybe it's really about setting small steps that you feel you can accomplish what's also really great? What I do on top is like a vision board and set it as a screensaver on my phone and on my MacBook, so I'm more a visual person. Speaker 2 00:13:19 So maybe this helps people as well to really see where do I want to go? Because the year is long, its frame is 65 days. But if you break it down into quarters, well, I'm trying now, as you said, I want to set up more systems. I'm this year really focused on getting the 12 weeks you go in, which says, okay, every 12 weeks is the year to to have it in smaller steps and to achieve actually not necessarily more, but more focused and striking, more progress. And yeah. So it's really about making it work for you. It doesn't have to work for anybody else. This is your life. You need to make it work, especially for you. Speaker 1 00:14:00 Yeah. You mentioned that chunking it into 12 weeks because a year is a long time. Speaker 2 00:14:05 Use a long term that way. You mean if we're honest? If I'm honest, like my progress started end of October, knowing the year would come to an end close. And the year the month before. Speaker 2 00:14:16 Yeah, I make some progress. But then you really feel, oh my gosh, I just have so weeks left to make progress happen. That's why I'm here for so many. But if you chunk it down and actually say, oh, this is my new year starts here, and then have a reflection of what you actually did or what works, what didn't work, go to some goals. Sometimes they sound good at midnight and I know wanting and that's why, like, you allowed it for the goal. That's absolutely for me. Speaker 1 00:14:47 And I guess that's one key distinction. Instead of saying resolution, which means resolve is to state them as goals. So I want to talk about that in a second. But as you talked about, each of us has something that works for us and hopefully we have an idea for you a vision board. I don't have a vision board, and that sounds like a good idea. I should put that on my list of goals, but not try to do all of that at once. Speaker 1 00:15:16 So if we think of them, like you said, as if we were working and we'd have goals instead of just saying, okay, I'm going to change everything at once, that doesn't work. So that doesn't. Speaker 2 00:15:27 You know, this just overwhelms the brain and it's not there. Also, like if we have too many goals, it often lags with society. Just exercise more, being healthier. This is not tangible. Like how would you even say that? Because also, if you feel bad, this could mean different things to different people. If I say I want to exercise more. This means different things for me than it means for you. And if this is fluffy, then usually the brain's oh yeah, we exercise more, which was like five minutes a week, which is still great. It's still progress, but maybe not the thing. Speaker 1 00:16:01 This is sponsored by my latest book, which I co-authored with my husband, Steve. Can you talk a little part of the unstoppable series and this one's called unconquerable. Speaker 1 00:16:11 Doesn't really work. Create a personal brand that gets people to. Speaker 2 00:16:14 Know you like them. They rely on willpower and remember systems. As we said. Speaker 1 00:16:19 Before. Now on Amazon, Barnes and. Speaker 2 00:16:22 Noble, or. Speaker 1 00:16:23 Your favorite independent bookstore. Speaker 2 00:16:25 We want to do something. And resolutions often, as we said, comes from resolve and it often feels like we need to fix ourselves. And goals is more like we are building our best selves. So that's also what's very good to see more of the resolutions as a kind of revolution. Who do you want to become? Who do you want to be? Where have you been? Last year. So that's why willpower takes a lot of energy from the brain. And most of our habits are automatic. Like we don't think about how to tie our shoelaces, how to drive the car because our brain has stored this in the subconscious mind. So we really need to hone down and start small to teach them again. Like a puppy, a toddler again, that we want to have a different behavior for a certain activity. Speaker 2 00:17:13 And that's why willpower is really not the way and you can't sustain. And that's why 80% fail mid-February. And it is. Speaker 1 00:17:22 Comical really, how packed the gym is. Don't you worry first and then we're like crickets by February. So going to the gym, to me it does really. Again, I call it momentum, but it really is a habit. Also, it becomes something that I don't really have to think about. And for me, once I get going, I wouldn't say I love exercise, but I love the feeling. And for me, I have some mental health issues. It's great for depression. It's just energy. You sleep better, you feel better, you're nicer. Whatever. When you've got all that it. Speaker 2 00:18:00 Now, all what you brought up because of humans are weren't made for selling thousand years ago. We were wandering around on the funds gathering. So selling is the new smoking say so that's a new thing that we just have. But our body still works like sometimes a cake mold and we just one and get the chemicals if we move our body. Speaker 2 00:18:25 This doesn't have to mean the gym, for I admire you or frequent gym goer. I don't really like it. So I found out the strategy is like take the dog for a longer walk. I have my hoop and watch just Netflix or certain shows if I exercise. So that's how you can try something that you aren't as excited about. Or you can go with a friend, you can join a class. So this doesn't mean you need to do all the heavy cardio or whatever. So now I've got a friend who's a gym instructor, and he has got people who just enjoy going to a class. They would never do a regular workout. So this doesn't mean that you need to go to the gym as well, but just find a movement that you enjoy isn't swimming isn't. And this sort of brain experiments in in the new year, what do you actually like? Which might be surprising. Speaker 1 00:19:15 And that's I'm glad you brought that a couple points up because yeah, I say I go to the gym twice a week. Speaker 1 00:19:21 Really, my goal is to move my body. I have a step goal, which is really modest, of 4000 steps a day, and I used to have 10,000 and I would usually make that. But then it became a downer when I didn't. And so now. Speaker 2 00:19:36 I'm headed. Speaker 1 00:19:37 For thousand steps is very modest, and I usually blast through that in a day. But that makes me feel really confident. And so an Apple Watch. Speaker 2 00:19:46 I'm sure you will get back to the. Speaker 1 00:19:48 New Apple Watch that will remind me. And already it's reminding me to stand. And I'm like, wow, I didn't realize I was sitting that long, but I want to do I do want to clarify that when I go to the gym, I never work out by myself. So I go to classes. So for me, especially because I work at home, I work alone. I do have, of course, interaction with people, but that is my social time too. So yes, I always take a class either spin or weightlifting to music lightweight lifting weights. Speaker 1 00:20:19 They call it body works or something. And then I'm trying Zumba, which I don't know. Do you know what Zumba. You know? Yes, I'm telling you, I'm so bad at it. I am so bad. Speaker 2 00:20:32 I've never met anyone who says they've raided the war yet. Speaker 1 00:20:36 And even the people that were there. Of course I'm apologizing. And they said, no, it takes a while. But they also have this thing. I don't know if I told you this, but when I was a kid, I was probably ten years old and I was taking tennis lessons, and I heard the coach tell my mom that I didn't have very good hand-eye coordination. Speaker 2 00:20:57 That's really bad to the blood. And you were, like, primed. Now your brain is looking for the evidence to back that up. Speaker 1 00:21:06 So I know I'm so mad at that, whoever that was. Speaker 2 00:21:09 Because really, like, start again and actually say I'm done. It could be wrong now. Good. Speaker 1 00:21:15 Yeah. I have to say there is some truth into that in that when I haven't been playing as much golf lately, but when we're out golfing and then if somebody is near the hole and they pick up my ball and they would toss it to me and I'd always say, don't throw it to me, don't throw it to me, because it would literally hit my hand and bounce off before I close my hand around it. Speaker 2 00:21:37 But then, as I know you've got other talent, so I hope to go shows. You don't have to be good at it. Everything. Just pick up the things you really enjoy. Speaker 1 00:21:46 Yeah, and that's true. And I actually was not a bad golfer when I left because Kelly, our daughter who's golf through all the way through college and still golfs, and she said, mom, I needed a sport where the ball didn't move. So I guess it passed through the family. But that's another thing. I think that's a really good point. Pick things that you're good at, but don't try to start the first resolution. Maybe at what you're horrible at. Speaker 2 00:22:13 It doesn't mean you need to just pick stuff that you're good at. Also be like very open to try new things. There's this friend from Jesse. It's like Sarah Blakey's husband. Speaker 1 00:22:24 Okay. Do we know if you don't know who Sarah Blakely is? She's the founder of Spanx, which was its shapewear. It's so funny because there used to be girdles. Speaker 1 00:22:34 I don't know if you remember of that. Even that word that. Speaker 2 00:22:36 Some back then, you know. Speaker 1 00:22:38 And everybody's forget that. Then Sara Blakely comes out with kind of the same concept and it's just taken off. She's so successful. So anyway, that's who Sara Blakely is. Speaker 2 00:22:47 So in the, very ambitious then he's got a very great goal planning system as well, however. So he brought up and brought to my attention like, heavens rule, because he's got a friend named Calvin, and Calvin is due in every other month and many adventures. So it doesn't have to be big, but something you wouldn't actually normally do. So this would mean going to an exhibition and going camping. If you would usually watch a football, soccer or whatever sports on a Sunday night. So then you have six adventures during the year. And if that sums up, let's say if you lived to 85, you would have a lot of mini adventures to look back on. And I thought, it's really beautiful because it doesn't have to be expensive, especially in the US. Speaker 2 00:23:33 You can just go outside and you're just in a totally different world. I'll go to any museum or any meet up. So this could be like a small thing. I tried last yoga last year, which I was like this, okay, just try it. Speaker 1 00:23:46 This was what did you try? I missed out when you tried. Speaker 2 00:23:48 Benny loft yoga. Speaker 1 00:23:50 Well, he left yoga. Yes. Speaker 2 00:23:52 And it's like, literally was very funny to have these kind of mini adventures and also to look back on the year to have these. And which gives you also permission to try new things, which is really sweet because it's just a day in 364 days that you put out there, like actually six days or the whole year. It's really beautiful to to have that. And you could start at any age because you still have lots of time to have these mini adventures. Speaker 1 00:24:19 Yeah, that that does sound good and very doable and feeling accomplished every time you do something new and it adds up like you said. So in the few minutes that we have left, I'll put the burden on you to sum up the main points of how you can turn New Year's resolutions, which we all know really do not work. Speaker 1 00:24:42 And how can you turn them into goals and having a strategy? So do you have any way to boil that down? Speaker 2 00:24:50 Yeah. So let's do summer. So the major pitfalls are like doing too much in a short amount of time or wanting too much having a misaligned environment, meaning you don't have a system in place to change that. Black or white? All or nothing thinking. So if you just slip once the resolution is done and unrealistic expectations, or just go easy on yourself, it will happen. But focus on the progress and then the outcome will happen. So how it can make this happen is don't rely on willpower. Rely on systems. create some, create a big why first and really hold that down, because then it makes way more sense for you to achieve that. Break it down, then into small steps. Review your progress. Look, if somebody else in your friends family also has the same goal, so you could pair up. Be accountable to each other. This doesn't mean skipping the gym. Speaker 2 00:25:50 Being accountable goes further. This might happen. Speaker 1 00:25:52 Let's go. Yeah, let's both skip the gym today. That's not what. Speaker 2 00:25:56 This looks like. The danger of here too close. But maybe. And also really see what you like and what you enjoy and tie into things usually like if the end is a great thing, if I get up and go to the kitchen, I drink a glass of water, or if I watch Netflix, I will go on the StairMaster or whatever. So if you can tie things together that you're already doing, it's way easier. And especially please celebrate you doing great new stuff. It takes a while to get there, but really, like the puppy rewarded. Celebrate yourself. You do an absolutely great focus on the goods and all all day, just just feedback and not criticisms. So then you're really good to go to have a New Year's Revolution. Speaker 1 00:26:45 New Year's revolution. Yeah. And I think that part about being kind to yourself, I give yourself grace because we're all in process, right? And we're none of, you know yet. Speaker 2 00:26:57 Never perfect. It's always messy, but just just do it in a better way. And it it's that nobody you're doing it already for your business. So just copy and remodel what's working for your business and, look at your progress there and set goals that, you know, you can reach and look for help, how to get there, and then you're good to go. So it's really about being kind. When I changed that, that was my major resolution one one year to be kind and then it's way easier. Speaker 1 00:27:29 That's a good point. It's so true. Especially for women and you listening and playing. Yeah, yeah. We are so hard on ourselves. And I have probably mentioned I've got some wrinkles, these lines between my forehead. Speaker 2 00:27:42 And I was sitting there. Speaker 1 00:27:43 And I see them and I like that. Speaker 2 00:27:45 And I realized I was seeing them like I had never seen them talking about it. Speaker 1 00:27:50 Nobody else does. So give ourselves some grace. Yes, our goal in life is to get better and better, but do it in a way that is not going to make you feel like crap. Speaker 1 00:28:00 Okay. Speaker 2 00:28:01 It is boring as well. Like you don't want to have one habit that you work hard on or that you implemented just for one year. Like, the goal is really to have a long term and sustainable, because why would you go back if you've done great shape, health and just ended 30 years of December 2025? Like you wouldn't do doom the ad, so just set it up for the long run right? Speaker 1 00:28:27 As we close this out, I do want to mention you, Jasmine and your hypnotherapy because as I said, it really has helped me and it's made it easier if there's anything that you can do that makes it easier. And so you've made recordings for me that I listen to. I listen to one of them pretty much every night. I'm so tired. Your voice. Speaker 2 00:28:49 Broke me. Yeah. I guess the major compliment for hypnotherapist Jasmine. I go to play more every night, so that's really cool. Speaker 1 00:28:57 It really has been a life changer because if you can't sleep, it's like exercise. Speaker 1 00:29:02 To sleep is so important for so many reasons. Speaker 2 00:29:05 The fact that with everything else like mental fog, weight loss and basically everything, because at night our body is the cleansing system and if it doesn't have enough time to do so, it impacts the whole new day. So if you if you would just focus on getting way better sleep. You'll achieve a lot of goals just on the bypass as well, but you know you've been crushing it this year so well. Speaker 1 00:29:31 So I do want to just say if you listening want to make this process easier, I feel like that is a true shortcut to change. And again, willpower. We can't just say, oh, we're going to do this. We need to tie it to habits. But if our subconscious is on board, that is huge. So I'm going to put your link, Jasmine in the show notes, and I do I encourage you to, to try it, you know or hypnotists people. It has a bad reputation. People are like, I don't want to bark like a dog. Speaker 1 00:30:02 That's nothing like we're talking about. Speaker 2 00:30:05 It's like a Hollywood movie had like a love story from Hollywood has to do with career relationships. Yeah, but I'm really glad you're the cheerleader and really putting it out there, and it has helped me so much, especially honing down to the why, which I would usually have missed or brings up reasons that I couldn't consciously think of and often ties back to the childhood or decades ago, which we aren't even aware of. That's what, can clear out and resets. And that's a really great. Speaker 1 00:30:35 Yeah. Okay, Jasmine. Thank you. It's been wonderful talking to you. Speaker 3 00:30:39 Thank you for a great year. Speaker 2 00:30:41 And yes. Speaker 1 00:30:43 I hope this has helped you and will help give you things to think about, because we don't want you to have a New Year's resolution. We want you to have a New Year's resolution, crush it in 2025. And thanks so much for listening. Thank you Jasmine. Speaker 3 00:30:57 Thank you. Okay. Speaker 1 00:31:00 Thanks for listening to this episode of UN Copyable Women in Business. Speaker 1 00:31:05 If you enjoyed the show. Speaker 4 00:31:07 You know the drill. Please like, share, rate and review it on your favorite platform. See you next time and always remember to be un copyable.